What is astrology?

Practical guidance for using astrology to best serve the individuating Self,
others and the world

A Psychological road map and moral compass for your life path

ASTROLOGY is an extra-ordinary rational system. It is an ancient esoteric science based on recorded geometrical patterns formed between planets in the solar system and how it directly corresponds with the archetypal patterns of human affairs and events on earth.

"The archetypal astrological discipline renders qualitative insight into the depths of the human psyche through empirical analysis of psychological and historical phenomena associated with the mathematical alignments of the planets and their associated archetypal probability fields". *
Throughout human history we have witnessed these archetypes reflected in historical events.

It is a language that interprets the essential dynamics that shape our personalities which are reflected in each individual’s astrological chart at the time of birth.  Contrary to popular understanding, Sun-sign astrology is just the tip of the iceberg. Your personal archetypal blueprint is vastly more complex and meaningful, and serves as a psychological road map and moral compass for your life path.

Archetypal knowledge allows you to look at all aspects of life symbolically thus opening up a transpersonal perspective that utilises life's challenges as alchemy to attain a higher way of Being. It shifts the power we bring to our thinking, feeling, our choices and our actions. To stand from this vantage point, is hugely liberating. It provides us with the motivation and informs our decision-making on a higher level.

Introduction to Archetypal Astrology written by Richard Tarnas. I draw and quote from the body of work by Prof. Richard Tarnas, the founder of Archetypal astrology and author of Cosmos and Psyche: Intimations of a New World View, a groundbreaking book that explores how astrology can inform our understanding of the events that have shaped our world.

Understanding these intricate systems that you are a part of, you start to see yourself not as this single entity or individual, separate from everything but as part of a higher intelligence as having a purpose, having a role ~ the more you pursue and align your higher trajectory with your archetypes in co-creating a more authentic life path. To realise
I am not this limited expression but I am an infinite canvas and these are the materials at my disposal to compose
the masterwork of my life, to serve self, others and the world.

Learn to navigate life in harmony with your inner calling

One's evolving astrological path is a powerful source of reference to live life more skilfully and aligned with your highest aspirations and inner purpose.

Your astrological blueprint mirrors the potential of a 'perfectly lived life' before us, one to aspire to – our abilities, skills and talents as well as opportunities to evolve and grow. To what extend one 'shows up' to bring it to fruition depends largely on how truthful we engage with our whole being and experiences.

Since its conception in antiquity, astrology has been a guiding path of wisdom and is still so today. As events come pouring into our lives, our astrology reveals their underlying meaning so we can reflect upon them. And that reflection deepens our relationship with ourselves, in understanding others, and with each experience itself. Over time you will become increasingly attuned to the – often subtle – lessons and messages life sets before you and move more skilfully through the seasons of life.

In acknowledging this position, your world will be imbued with a deeper purpose that will help sustain a committed engagement in sharing your gifts, and realising goals in accordance with your true values and potential. It inspires and helps you recognise and honour your soul's purpose and life path.

Thus you begin to move in synchrony with what life has to offer you. 

”The only useful purpose of the present birth is to turn within and realise the Self. It is the greatest service you
can render the world"

In more contemporary terms -
Self-actualisation. Individuation by integrating your unique archetypal signature. 
